Welcome to my website, I hope you will enjoy looking around. This website is a platform to show my creative side and what inspires me in my life.

The majority of the designs are associated with the singer, actor and West End star Michael Ball; because I am a massive fan of his and he is somebody I respect and admire, Michael is extremely talented at his profession and has an endearing quality. What is most appealing about Michael is his lovely personality; he's down-to-earth, genuine and caring towards people. I have built up a special friendship over the years with Michael. He has been my saving grace and an inspiration in so many ways. From the first moment we met, I realised we both had the same cheeky way and sense of humour. Michael brings joy and happiness into my life and I will be forever grateful to Michael for everything he has done for me. Michael will ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart!

I have also become very close to Rhydian Roberts, the classical cross-over artist, who is a very geniune and charismatic person. I have had the pleasure of meeting him on several occasions and I am proud to have had a chance to get to know him - I have witnessed Rhydian's mischievous personality and growth as an incredible singer. Again, Rhydian will ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart!

Several years ago, I became close to The Overtones, the original vocal harmony group with Timmy Matley, Lockie (Lachie) Chapman, Mike Crawshaw, Darren Everest and Mark Franks – so some of my designs are dedicated to them.  I will continuously support Lockie as a solo artist and the reformed group because they are genuine, lovely guys, who always acknowledge me whether they are on/off stage.  Through Michael, Rhydian and The Overtones I have gained a voice and made lots of friends. 

I have reconnected with an old friend – the incredibly talented actor Michael Starke and I have been going to his recent shows. Mike is one of the loveliest, down-to-earth people, you would ever wish to meet. His family are so lovely and talented too. I'm extremely lucky to have them as dear friends. Through Mike and his family, I have met and become close mates with several other local actors/actresses. Each and every one of them is very special to me and have encouraged/helped me to follow my dreams.

I hope this comes across in my creations and it is apparent when you view my photo gallery. I have been lucky enough to meet many famous people and new up and coming stars who I admire. As you will see I live life to the full and try to achieve things to the best of my ability. Life is too short, not to enjoy yourself.

All I can hope for is to continue to enjoy myself while I can - fulfilling more dreams and ambitions. It will only need one person to see my true capabilities and be willing to give me the chance to shine… My wish is to inspire other people with disabilities to achieve their full potential and to show everyone that there is more to them that meet the eye. I have even written a poem/song, it is called Real Me.

Let's show you the real Alana Wadkin - the fun/frivolous side as well as the creative and determined side!